Arya Samaj Marriage
which was started by ‘Dayanand Saraswati’ in the year 1875 is governed
by people known as ‘Arya’. The marriage is based on the concept of
Vedas, which is considered as the poetry of eternity in meta language.
Arya Samaj marriage is widely accepted and highly prevalent in present
day Indian society. People prefer it to other kind of marriages due to
its simple procedure, little expenses and universal legality. There are
many benefits of Arya Samaj marriage.
Minimum Expenses:
Arya Samaj Mandir involves a few
necessary expenses. It emancipates everyone whether it may be a middle
class group, a lower or a poor class group from flamboyance expenditures
that generally occur in traditional marriages. This way we can save
ourselves and overcome the over headed money-borrowed curses. This ideal
way also signifies the way to invest the same money wisely and
meticulously to fulfill other important needs. Getting married via Arya
Samaj institution keeps you away from all loiter procedures and
flamboyance arrangements like Card distribution, a long and awaited
bookings for marriage hall or farmhouse, a long listed menu, accessories
for decoration, accommodation of guests, and bulky
Protests Caste System Barriers
Arya Samaj vigorously protests caste
system. Caste system is one of the major anti-social issue that
discriminate the people and decrypting the unity of India. To eradicate
the roots of this anti-social discriminatory institution, Arya Samaj is
rigorously propagating inter-caste marriages.
Remedy against Dowry-System:
Arya Samaj also serves as a strong remedy
by eradicating one of the major anti-social elements i.e. “Dowry
System”. It effectively exterminates this social curse and helps us to
feed a peaceful world to save the women on this earth.
Curbing Child Marriage:
Arya Samaj System legally and meticulously
follows all the rules and regulations constituted in Hindu Marriage Act.
A well documentation is done before the commencement of marriage. Dully
verified affidavits and other documents are submitted to confirm the
actual date of both the bride (18Yrs.) and the groom (21yrs.). In this
way we again stand ourselves in a community that fights against the
social-curse of Child Marriage.
Prohibition of Alcohol and other Intoxications:
You are completely free of hassles and
undesirable problems. In this way you can save yourself by adopting Arya
Samaj Marriage System. Since all type of alcoholic and other
intoxicating products are completely banned and prohibited in Arya Samaj
Marriage temple, it eliminates the chances of unfortunate and painful
incidents those generally occur in traditional marriages. Overall you
can enjoy your marriage in a hassle free and peaceful manner through
Arya Samaj Marriage System.